This is where you start typing. Funny thing about late night and post Ambien's a really tricky thing to do. You have great intentions before the pill, but after...hmmm my brain is just mush. I can't even think a complete sentence let alone spell shorter ones correctly. But I wanted to give it a shot. Try out the keyboard and the brain power. I have been cooped up in this house for about 11 days since the surgery. That is it's own topic to tackle maybe tomorrow. Well my eyes are sleeping sooo I'll be seeing ya!
4/14/2013 05:20:51 pm


4/22/2013 05:44:00 pm

i found a larazepam making me sleepy finally! i want to stay up and do stuff but i'm sure in a few my words may get jumbled as yours tend to do after your meds sometimes!


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    I'm an overworked, tired, sleep deprived mother of two wonderfully talented and smart children. I'm also a wife of a carpenter, which means everything in my house is almost finished. I work full time out of the house and full time at home with the kids since the husband travels for work.




    April 2013

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