Off and away. With lots of encouragement from my sister and good friends I've decided to give this blogging another shot. A real shot for good or bad. I did try once, long time ago. Didn't put much work into it and it was way before I start my Ambien journey. Sooo this will be fun, I think. I don't remember most of my nightly excursions after my pill taking has commenced so it'll be fun to read about it.

For example the other night this was me trying to type. Keep in mind nothing has been altered:
" okay talk tomorrow. wi; tlak tomorrow tomooteo. looobrr jpiuou.  kisss faacc
love uoi brat. you are mu=y her0 ok. I’m fading fast. lov eyou lots I’n gone. I
love uoi do an all that ws qcan do thogher. we can do it’1staty with me. No one
else does"

4/15/2013 02:57:23 am


4/24/2013 07:06:01 am

stop taking it? lol.


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    I'm an overworked, tired, sleep deprived mother of two wonderfully talented and smart children. I'm also a wife of a carpenter, which means everything in my house is almost finished. I work full time out of the house and full time at home with the kids since the husband travels for work.




    April 2013

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